Thursday, May 31, 2012


I can't believe I'm already to the half way point. Boy... Has it been a ride. There are some women who have said that they LOVE being pregnant... Well I am not one of those women. I mean it does have its perks such as...

I LOVE that I can feel him inside me.
I LOVE that I now have a bond with him that no one else will.
I LOVE when Oak can feel him kick an he gets so excited.

And honestly that's about it. I love everything about my little guy... Just ya... haha. (is that selfish?)

Any way! I am very grateful for all the experiences I've had with him and truly am so blessed that we get to have such a wonderful little boy. I am grateful that I have the ability to be pregnant and carry my own wonderful children.

Here is the 20 week bump people, 5 months, half way!

Photo: 20 week bump! Half way baby!

I was only supposed to get my bump and not my face... Soooo... No I'm not angry just concentrating... real get a good picture. Ha, yes gotta love it.

Any way! Our Memorial Day weekend was AMAZING. We were able to do so many wonderful and fun things, I really loved it. And being able to be with our friends and family was prime. I'm so grateful also to be reminded of those who have fought for us and for our freedom in this wonderful country!

Saturday we were able to go to the Air Show and while we were there it was really great to be with everyone! Unfortunately mother nature had other plans and the weather turned from bad to worse in a matter of seconds! The show was cancelled and we ended up being a mile away from our car in the pouring rain... My wonderful husband did all he could to keep me warm and dry and I am SOOO grateful for his built in heating system. And... despite his efforts we got to our car SOAKED to the bone. (Don't worry, nothing that a really hot shower within two hours of driving couldn't mend ;)).

That night we were able to go to the temple with our good friends Kevin and Kellie. We haven't done an endowment session for a long time so we decided to catch that session. It was the Hispanic session and it was sooo amazing to be able to be on the flip side of things. I LOVED hearing certain parts in Spanish it was so beautiful and of course my testimony grew tremendously. Oakly was able to get an answer to who he was going to call as secretary in the Elders Quorum... (oh ya, he's the Elder's Quorum President now...its been such a HUGE blessing to us and he LOVES his calling).. And of course we always feel closest to our Heavenly Father while in the temple.

Kellie and I being pregnant (mostly me) needed to stop off and get some food before we started the 45 minute journey home.. We ended up at Dee's at about 10:30 PM and were able to enjoy the creatures of the night that ended up at Dee's ... well that late in the night... Interesting folk.

Oak and I totally forgot that we had to make frog eye salad that night as well for his family dinner that we were going to be to the next day. Soo.... Who knew that frog eye salad takes 16 hours to set? Not I..... We ended up going to bed at 1 AM but it was worth it! The salad turned out and was supreme amazingness!

Sunday we had a ton of fun at his parents home with our nieces and nephews... always love those family dinners!

Monday we had a huge get together as well at our home. We played horse shoes, king pin, roasted hot dogs and marsh mellows and truly had such a fun time! Our drive way is still plastered with all the beautiful chalk art that our nieces created.

All in all the weekend was a success and I think we both are still trying to re-cooperate!

Monday, May 28, 2012


Well hello everyone!! Here is my long lost post that I have needed to do for many months now. There is sooo much to update I have no clue where to even start... I guess its like when you scrap book if you are way behind. You start with the most recent and work your way back right? There is no way in the world that I will be able to remember EVERYTHING that has happened but I can assure you that I shall do my best!

Firstly, I'm PREGO! We're having a little boy in October. I'm 6 days away from my half way mark and I'm soooo excited. Well WE'RE so excited! This little guy truly is a blessing and we cannot even wait to meet him. Yes, I do have a little bit of a baby bump. But I'm told that if you were to look at me you wouldn't think anything of it (though I already feel massive).

Here is a picture of our little guy! (That was at 16 weeks so I can't wait to see what he looks like now!)

Its still not real to me. I honestly don't think it really will be until I'm holding him in my arms.

So... The story of finding out what little man was.

(Gotta give some background info first)

Oakly wanted a boy so bad I think he was going to cry. Every second he got he would call "baby" (at the time) HIM and HE and what not. He wouldn't let anyone say he was a girl because he just KNEW that his first child would be a boy. I felt the same way. I always called him... him... and I just always felt that he was a boy. HOWEVER, we did some very thorough old wives tale research... extensive if you will... and everything that we found out was that this little guy had all the signs of being a little girl. I was sooooooo sick in my first trimester... honestly. Any of you women who don't get morning sickness... I'm going to key your car. JK.. But I'm jealous of you. Its the most awful thing in the world. I have never thrown up so much in my entire life... literally. (Thank you Aubs for making me feel better with another old wives tale that if you're super sick, baby is super healthy!) Anywho...... So that pointed to a girl because supposidley you get more sick with little girls.

Next... When we heard his heart beat it was really fast. Number two old wives tale. Faster heart beat = little girl, slower heart beat= little boy.

AND Next... My friend Kellie (who is also having a little boy) looked up my "Oriental Prego Calendar" (I don't something weird like that...) and it said that I was having a girl... Kellie's was right because it told her she was having a little boy... So it HAD to be true ;).

ANNNND Next... Oakly started gaining weight.. (bless him) and that was also a sure sign of little one being a girl according to google (yes we really did waste that much time...)

ANNNNNNND Next..... ALL of Oakly's siblings are Boys... Its been said that if the Daddy has all brothers he will produce all girls....

So needless to say we were out numbered. Not to mention all of Oaks family was SURE baby was a girl.

Regardless we stuck to our guns and continued to believe that we had a little boy on our hands.

A few weeks before the ultra sound I had a dream that everyone brought me little boy things.

The morning of the ultra sound I had a dream that some how Oakly found out what we were having with out me and came rushing into the room with the sonogram saying "It's a boy, it's a boy!!" (weird dream... but it works).


He is getting really big too. Its craziness!

Well seeing as though this blog post took me three days to finish I better get headed. We have a ton of stuff we are going to do today (happy memorial day!).

Love you all!

More to come, I promise!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Coming soon!

There are soooo many things that I need to update... It will take far longer than the 5 minutes I have currently. However, I promise that there will be one soon! If there is anyone still out there!