Thursday, February 24, 2011

oh... geeeezzz.

Ef. Today was a day of "I really shouldn't do this, but I will anyway". I work from home. Love it. And well, today was really slow at work, so they offered what is called VTO, (volunteered time off). I sat there for .165843513658 seconds debating with myself if I should do it, because, well Oak and I want the money. So I thought, bah I need to work so I wont do it... Then my fingers started replying back to the e-mail and said that I wanted it. I even said "Stop fingers." They wouldn't. I got it. I'm off work at 10 am. Then right after I got off work I started my daily e-mail, Lulu, Facebook, and finance check online. Lulu did it to me. They had the jacket I've wanted for 41368 million years back in stock. in. my. size. Perfect I thought well while my fingers are being bad my legs and body may as well be too and they stood up and went and got my credit card so that they could purchase this beautiful million dollar jacket. My brain said, "body you shouldn't be doing that" body didn't listen. Did it any way. Have the beautiful jacket on its way. Now to tell Oakly......

Movement Jacket
I heart it so much. I'm happy... 

Now I'm off to clean house, run errands, get my stupid fix it ticket fixed, make a huge amazing dinner so I can break the news to Oakly about the jacket, go fake baking shhhh don't tell lulu (I just started. I was depressed my skin was translucent) and hit the gym.

Oak, if you read this before you get home. Remember, I LOVE YOU.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the quest to be healthy

So Oakly and I like a million and a half other people have decided to join the quest to be healthy.  Working out, eating right, and toning our bod's up. Yup. So last night after my lovely session of kick boxing and yoga at the gym. I decided to come home and show off some of my skills that yoga has helped me acquire. I started off by showing how flexible and strong I was getting. I thought it was pretty cool since I am the most UN-FLEXIBLE person in the entire world. Then I started showing Oak how I could do a few groovy yoga moves, the "frog" and the "side-ways star" (well at least  that is what I call them) the head stand and a few others that kick my butt. I thought that it was pretty cool until he then showed me up.......... being married to a man that is good at everything does have its perks, but also pisses me off. He started off by first showing me how great he was at doing the frog, not only that but going from the frog into a head stand. The fricker.

the head stand. try it. you'll love it. 
the frog thing. holddddd ittt. 
the side-ways star.. If you want a rockin bod. do it.

Any way.

This kind of strayed from what I was getting at. I was reading up on a few tips from the Lulu bag that I got, yes Lulu sends you a reusable grocery bag with a bunch of amazing sayings and tips of health just yet, another reason why I am obsessed. It  says  to:

"Sweat once a day to regenerate  your skin." 
"Drink fresh water and as much water as you can. Water flushes unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your brain sharp."  
"A daily hit of athletic-induced  endorphins gives you the power to make better decisions, helps you be at peace with yourself and offsets stress." 

I  have really taken these to heart. I have been drinking so much water I pee every second.  I make sure I do something to sweat everyday which, so you know, very much regenerates the skin and after I exercise I truly feel so much happier (YAY for endorphins!).

Now, its time to watch what I eat. Bah, we have a grocery list of all fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meats. I've been looking up recipes and am feeling super excited about this this quest for the ultimate healthy life-style. 

 Wish me luck! If you have any suggestions I need them so comment!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

you betcha.

Movement Jacket 

If you want to fall in love with ridiculously expensive jackets that are amazing and make you want to die and go to Lululemon Jacket heaven, go to this site.  You're not living life with out one of these jackets.
You can click here to begin your journey to Lulu heaven. Debt hell.  Reason why its debt hell is because I would spend every ounce of money I received to purchase these beautiful jackets if I didn't have... well anything else and I was a transient.

The Jacket pictured is one that I have salivated over for a few weeks now. Just waiting for the fund fairy to come visit me so I may purchase it. One day.


VS   . 

I hate that I love Cheetos so much. If you really think about it they are disgusting. But, I don't really think about it while I'm consuming a full bag, not just a small bag, a full bag. Possibly 226541348 calories worth. I regret it right after I'm done. Then I eat more. If I didn't hate throwing up so much I would possibly consider that option. However, due to that fact I just let it sit in my stomach and let the evolution of fat, turn into... fat. My butt grew bigger the next time I looked in the mirror. Thank the heavens above for the gym. Well not even necessarily the gym, but the classes at the gym. Lets be honest if it weren't for classes,(cough) Yoga... My gym membership would be accumulating free funds from my bank account and for non-use of the $300 one inch laminated bar code that I have in my pocket. Any way. Just saying.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kiddo's and Horses

This weekend we were lucky enough to be the host's of theeee Landon Jeppsen. My near 2 tank nephew that we're both obsessed with. Kris called on Saturday and we decided that the 14 degree weather was perfect to go a quick ride in. So. He and the Landers ventured out to good ol' G-ville. Oakly had to work all day on Saturday and I had just gotten home from yoga, my new found obsession, when I heard the thundering sounds of the Tank. He entered our home and Heaven and Hell locked eyes for the first time. I had not had enough time to 2-year-old-proof our home just yet since I had been in the shower rinsing the wonderous yoga sweat off. When I heard in the back ground Kris "Oh don't touch that Landers. AH!!! Here Landers look at this instead and CRASH, thank you Bubba." If you were to meet my brother Kris you would know from the second you saw him that he is the most laid back awesome Dad EVER and they both are so much fun to be around. When I emerged into our living room, the new found battle field, I saw the beautiful Tank of a two year old. Landon.

The second he saw me he ran right to me and gave me the worlds biggest hug (he always knows how to make my day).  Soon after a quick Gold Rush episode we journeyed over Bonnie and Deans to meet up with our horses and theirs. Bonnie and Dean (my wonderful in-laws) have a 3546846087 year old horse named Raz. I wont lie, I don't know how that horse is still standing. However, that horse is the best with Kiddo's and Landers was up next to ride.

So off we went! Landers was strapped with Raz on the tiniest saddle known to man and he rode that sucker all by himself...

He was so happy to be on that horse despite the freezing weather that was turning his little boogies into icicles.

Landers having Daddy lead him on his escapade! 

Only a few minutes later did Kris decide he wanted to ride as well. Since our horses were over at Bonnie and Deans I thought "sure why not?" So informing Kris before he picked out a horse to ride that I knew who a few of the horses were but have a hard time deciphering a few of them since they are almost all the same color. Thinking that a 2 year old colt was our 11 year old, very well trained, Leroy. Kris saddled  up, only to find out later as Bonnie raced to tell him that "Little Bob" the colt, had only been ridden maybe 30 minutes in his life. Thank you Bonnie for saving the day and getting Kris off that poor little confused horse. HOWEVER, to defend myself for this mistake you should know that Leroy was in another pasture across the road and these two particular horses have very similar facial markings and socks on their legs. AND I warned  Kris I had a hard time telling a few of them apart. So, I rest my case, I am innocent. 


So Kris had to go to work soon after our adventurous 14-degree-wrong-horse-mix-up-Tiana-Riding-Bareback-onRaz-on-the-back-of-Landon's-tiny-saddle-with-out-a-bit-and-Raz-decided-he-wanted-to-go-home-quickly-and-Landon-just-laughed-the-whole-time-while-Landon-flooded-his-pants-riding-day. We put Landon down for a quick nap, Kris was off to work and I got ready for Oakly's team doctoring. As soon as I was ready I went in to wake up the little man to go. When we got to the arena Landon instantly saw his uncle Oakly. Of course embraced and wanted nothing to do with aunt Ti for a good 15 minutes. 

Landon had so much fun watching uncle Oak on his horse while roping the cattle for the wonderful sport of team doctoring. I'm still learning about it a bit, but whatever you just have to do cowboy stuff basically and you win. Oak did an awesome job and roped the cows head each time within a very short time. So proud of you honey!!  

You go handsome!! 

After a long day of fun and adventure Landers and I headed home to watch one of the best movies of all time, The Little Mermaid. He and I both crashed even before Ariel met with the witch and Oak helped me put him to bed after he got home. The next morning we woke up early got ready for church and had so much fun with the little man there. After church Catherine and Kris came out to watch the super bowl. It was awesome to catch up and loved having the little man with us this weekend. 
Party on. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

love. it.

What a beautiful weekend and week. Loved it! Started off the Eve of the weekend by riding an Elephant. Yes, an Elephant. The big gray, wrinkley, smelly, pokey-haired giants that I am obsessed with. I even got Oakly to ride with me, that was a feat in and of itself! Our Elephants name was Carole. She was great. :)

Here we are just getting to know Carole. 

Here we are plotting against the man with the stick to run away with Carole. 

Food for thought: Who in the world would even think up something like the circus? "Oh hey by the way I think it would be cool if we get all sorts of wild and dangerous animals together, train them and have people ride on them WHILE we have women hanging from the 50 foot ceiling with a sash by their ankles, and have men balance flaming swords on top of swords that they are holding onto with their teeth." Just sayin'.

Also, Oakly found out why I call him Grizz.

I do so love my Grizzly Bear. 

So, moving on... Oakly had to work a Rodeo on Saturday night. Thus, GIRLS NIGHT!!! I've been needing a girls night for sometime now, just a night to act like a complete child with... children and of course Jen, whom I consider still very in touch with her inner child. They came over and we first started out with some pumpin' music and dance moves, followed by a salon of hair by Tiana and nails by Jen. Then we got out the dress-ups and make-shift red carpet... Boo... Yah.

In preparation. Don't judge, just love the dress ups. Yes, all of them are mine. Don't worry about it. 

Ultimate 80's. 

The lovely ladies on the red carpet!

Well the night went on and it was beautiful. Girls night any one??

Oakly and I believe is fantastic breakfasts on the weekend. It is my number one favorite meal of the day. One huge delicious breakfast will keep my stomach happy for the rest of the day. Since we are normally insanely busy on the weekends thats usually the only meal we do get. Sooo we make it an incredible one! 


(Oakly enjoying his bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich). 

On Sunday I was able to meet up with all my beautiful friends that I've missed so much at my amazing friends Laurie's farewell.. She did an amazing job giving her talk. The walls shook with her testimony, I'm so excited for her. She is going to be amazing and will teach so many wonderful people in Italy. 
shout out to you my lovely Sister Simkins!!

It has been a great week, I'm now set up to work from home and enjoyed my first day on the job in the presence of my living room, kettle corn, and the social network... that I've restarted 484165 times and still have yet to finish. 

Love it. Love you. Happy wednesday!