Monday, January 24, 2011

oh my cowboy.

Dear Cowboy,

Sometimes I really don't think you know how much I appreciate the little things you do for me. Holding my hand, giving me random hugs, snuggling with me (even though you  hate to cuddle), complimenting me, random kisses, putting your arm around me, doing the laundry, finishing our basement, taking care of the puppies and dog so I don't have to, playing cards with me (even though you get frustrated because I win every time), helping me with my school and homework, knowing when to carry around febreze with you because of my gag reflex to you and your.... issues :), eating whatever I make, letting me be a child and not complaining about it for the most part, spending time with me, listening to whatever music I listen to, letting me be anal about the house being clean, laughing at my jokes, and well, just me all together, loving me, playing with me and so much more....

Saturday morning I woke up to the smell and crackle of bacon, french toast (my favorite thing ever), hash browns, eggs, grapefruit and my handsome cowboy cooking me breakfast. Then again, this beautiful Monday morning since we both have work off I woke up to bacon, (again... we both love it way to much) eggs, and pancakes. Any one else get that? I think its pretty freaking amazing. I love my cowboy.

This handsome cowboy is who I get to see every day. I know, I'm lucky. :) 

Of course we have our differences and sometimes what to kill each other, but without differences, or opposition how would we be able to appreciate the other good things? Plus I love being able to push each others buttons sometimes, its pretty flippin' hilarious when we get going. Well any who, this is a tribute to you my cowboy. I love you, thank you for your patience with me. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Dear Bountiful,

I miss you, however only parts of you.
I miss;
The Vard
The Temple
The B
Grocery Stores
The View
Elephant Rock
The instant Mountain
The Lights
Yogurt Stop
My Friends
My Family
Running on the Vard
5th south
Perhaps more, but I'm done with this list for now.

Today has been a bit of a challenge for me and I know its me that is making it that way but regardless its been rough. I've spoken with my family and my dear friend Melissa in which I laughed my face off with for about an hour. However, I still have that lump in my throat. That missing link. Though I love Grantsville and everyone here I miss good, old, stupid B-Town. Mostly I just miss the people in B-town, my family. Though scattered I still love them all. I miss being able to see them whenever I wanted. I miss late night heart to hearts with my friends. I miss just that constant contact.

On the flip side, now that I'm done sulking. Life is good here in G-villey, the weekend was of course full of events and adventures. Saturday was a blast we played games with our friends and I peed my pants 48 times. I rock at Egyptian rat screw. I school everyone, Oakly beat me once by sheer luck. I'm sore from the kinect. If you don't have one, get one.

Sunday: I hate going to church, I do. I love the gospel and I love God and Jesus but man, I hate church. But, regardless we still go and I always get something good out of it. However, this time it wasn't at church that I got my "ah ha" moment. It was after while listening to "Soft Sunday Sounds on Fm 100.3"(sing the tune in your head, I did.) It was a song that stated "What did he die for, when he died for me?" Ef. I love that. It made me think about a lot of things and made me realize that he died for a lot, I am flippin' great! Even, though I have a lot, A LOT, AAAAA LLLLLOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT, to work on I still think that I am a good person and that I've made a difference in this world. Any way, just thought it was an important thing to think about. I love that.


So I was able to take some pictures of a G-villey sunset. You will pee they are so pretty. I'm not Jessica Briggs Magalei, but I like them! 

I may or may not have taken these while I was driving to school. Don't even worry about it. Any who, thats all I've got for today kids. Love.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh bless today.

So this morning I learned a few things.

1: Oil does not boil.

-I found this out because I thought it would be fun to make scones for breakfast! I hadn't had them forever and was craving them and just so happened to have some dough. I knew that I was supposed to flatten out the dough then place it into what I though would be "boiling oil". Well low and behold. Oil does not boil. So I sat there for a good 25 minutes waiting for the oil to boil. Then of course ran out of patience and decided to just stick in the first victim of dough... Ya... That sucker was black and I've never been splashed with such hot freaking oil in my life. Of course Oakly heard me in the kitchen say a few choice words then start to laugh. He asked what I was doing and told him I just found out that oil did not boil. He then went on his way as I made the rest of the scones. Putting each in the pot of near boiling oil. Needless to say they all turned golden brown on the outside within seconds. So i just took them out thinking "psssh directions don't know what their talking about, it doesn't take 15-30 seconds each scone it take 1 second each side." Well about 5 scones later I called Oak into start eating them. We took our first bites together into the DOUGHIEST, UNDERCOOKED scones we've ever had. I finished one and then soon felt it start to rise in my stomach. Not fun. Oakly then informed me that he had made them before (duh he's like a million years older then me, what hasn't he made?) and that he could help me make them. Within 10 minutes we then were able to eat delicious fully cooked golden scones.

Moral of the story:

1- As stated previously, oil does not boil.
2- Eating dough is not a good idea, for it rises in your stomach and makes you nauseas for hours.
3- When in doubt ask the man that lived with saber tooths and sports a duck tail. For he knows all.

^^ The enemy when consumed and not cooked ^^

He really does have a duck tail... Told ya.

Any who.

As the rest of the day has gone by I learned another thing. I should not make my own frosting for I find it way to delicious. Our primary class won a game last Sunday that we had made up for them. They won a chocolate cake with green frosting and sprinkles along with candy and apple juice. (yes we love our class, we don't want kids just yet but its a blast to play with others!)
The kiddos of course were the ones who chose what they won. As I was making the frosting minutes ago I found myself consuming more than half. I have a wonderful made up recipe of my own and not to blow smoke up my own skirt. But hell ya, its good.

Also, I love Bon Iver. Random thought for the day. However his music just calms my busy body soul. I love listening to him when I'm having my "alone time" when Oakly is off doing his thing which right now is Welding some sort of material, thing, working, machine back together for a friend. Yeah, I just know he is helping some one out with flamer welder thing. :) Ha.

Finally got our massages last night, much needed. For any of you trying to locate an amazing massage therapist for an incredible price. No need to look any further. Our dear friend Ruthanne, what a talented chick. She not only is an amazing massage therapist but she only charges $45 for a FULL hour and she comes to YOUR home to have it done. Or of course she can arrange for another place to do it if your home is not the calmest of places. But I LOVE HER. She works wonders.

Shout out to the amazing Ruthanne!! Let me know if you want to get in touch with her, for she is impeccable!

Well off to get ready for game night! Party time, excellent!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a word of advice

so, basically its been 27 years since i've posted something on this lovely blog that no one probably follows any more. oh well, better late than never right? well all that being said there are quite a few things that need to be caught up on.

1: living in g-ville (grantsville) utah.
-first of all i thought that this would be the hardest thing on the entire planet, universe, solar system. sure i'm only 45 minutes away from salt lake, but if you know me, you know i LOATHE driving. i absolutely despise walmart and that is pretty much the only grocery store around with everything. we do have soleberges.. if you want to pay euro freaking prices. i miss my friends and family, i miss seeing different styles and i miss diversity. however, all that being said. i love this little town. i love my house and my new friends i am making. i love our tiny ward that is full of geriatric patients. i love walking into a store and knowing everyone there. i love having my husband waive at every single car that passes by because he knows them, or their cousin, or their cousins friends dog twice removed. everyone is so friendly, just the other day Oak and i went to breakfast and low and behold it was paid for by his mom's friend. who does that?? i live by and work with the best people ever. if you want a real small town where anyone would do anything for you and loves you for who you are no judgement. come to g-ville.

2: of course being married. the one question you will get for the rest of your life once you tie the knot... just so all ya'll know. "how's married life" will soon become one of the most frequently asked questions. one of these times i'm just going to reply with "married life? i'm married?!!" or "he tells me not to talk about it, oh no!!! HERE HE COMES!!" just to spice it up a bit from the normal. 'its great, i love it." which is true. i honestly was expecting it to be much harder. so far its been a walk in the park even with all the ishnit that has been thrown our direction. i can honestly say that oak is the best thing that has ever happened to me. i love him more and more each day and we are always having a blast together! i seriously married my best friend. he "completes me" if you will. gooey, now that all the fun lovey, gooey, dovey stuff is out of the way on to the next!

in Sun Valley, being dorks as always!

ugly sweater Christmas party anyone??

Haha, this is Oakly playing the kinect we got for our 6 month anniversary. that sucker is so much fun!! anyway, told you we had fun we're like 5 years old every day.

3: job. i work at and surprisingly like it. i've gotten a few promotions and i've only worked there for a few months which has been great. i get to start working from home this month and i'm super excited about that. Oak still works at the lovely complex. i get to feel like a princess whenever i go there, free this free that, "OH you're OAKLY'S wife??" that kind of stuff. you know its a normal paparazzi. not. but sorta. without the cameras. anyway, its cool. and of course the cowboy part of his life. he probably doesn't know this due to the fact that i basically cry my eyes out every time he has to go to a rodeo and leave me home alone for just short of a week. but i love it. i LOVE that i'm married to a cowboy. it took some getting used to, but he is the hardest worker ever. i will never have to worry about getting him motivated. he does it all on his own. i know that our bills will be paid and that we can have fun to! i love the security of that. i also love when he wears his cowboys apparel, talk about smokin' hot. random, but seriously i'll post some pictures.

4: house. i absolutely love my house, i love doing work on our basement, i love decorating. i love the feel of it, i love that the spirit is here, i love that we host every blood sucking party known to man. i love that its clean and organized.i love the smell of it. i love the way it looks with Christmas lights and decorated for holidays. i love my house. period. it feels good to come or be home when your sick, i get excited to come home and relax. i love that things are almost always in the right place. (we both lose things we're human). i love fixing up our basement (stated previously) together. we are currently working on the bathroom and so far going quite a bit quicker than we thought, the whole fun side should be finished by flippin' summer. which i think is super exciting. hey you, friends that are reading this and haven't come to play, get your butts out here to g-villey at least by summer time. its going to be a pizarty. anyways i also love my kitchen and cooking for Oak in my kitchen which brings me to my next point.

doesn't look like much, but it is. ha, we'll keep ya updated.

5: cooking. ok, so never have i ever really cooked. when i have it has been a small amount here and there under severe serveilence..(i do not know how to spell that) from my mother. and i was ok at it. never really had an issue following recipes or what not. however, now that i've discovered Si Fosters blog "a bountiful kitchen". every single frickin' day i'm on that sucker looking at her amazing recipes. and for the most part they aren't that hard. some are time consuming but hey to make a good meal takes time! i love cooking and Oakly likes my cooking and is starting to show it a bit. ha, not really but he thinks so. and i even got a compliment and recipe steal from my mother in law... that is sayin' something isn't it??

any way, this is the 5 updates for today. i've been a bit sicky so i best be getting some rest. i forgot how much i loved to blog, hm... i promise i'll be better.

oh ps. shout out to Brookie Foster. thank you for getting on me about my blogging, i forgot how much i liked it and am going to be better at it.thank you for the word of advise. any who.. enjoy the pictures!! love you all!