Wednesday, June 2, 2010


blog.... bloggy... blogger.. bloooger... blogggg... blooooOg.

well.. to be honest, i don't know what to write. writers bloggy block if you will. i have a lot to say, a lot i'm thinking about but nothing that really draws my fingers attention. click... click...

hm... remember the days when we were just able to sit on the front porch in the summer. popsicle in hand and just gaze at the sky as the gooey red, green, purple, or orange dripped all down our fingers into our laps... running through sprinklers, rolling down grassy hills. playing with chalk. dancing around in circles. getting dizzy and falling to the ground only to gaze into the beautiful sky and make shapes and stories out of clouds.
i swear i am not that old. and yet i see a drastic change in the future generations that follow me. where i was dancing, running and playing outside those who follow behind me are staying inside. collecting dust. playing video games and running from our beautiful sun. its so sad to me. i don't understand the immense change that has occurred and it frightens me for even future generations. thus i feel the desire to make a stand. to stand for the health of children, the innocence, the playfulness, the laughter, the joy and the beauty of children. to see colorful side walks of chalk. to watch and join as kids roll down numerous hills of freshly cut grass. i stand to not let my innocence and my child-like soul dwindle in the darkness of stress, anger, adult-hood. i stand to allow children to be children. to sing, to pretend, to jump on trampolines, to ride bikes, to paint, to PLAY. i stand to always remember my inner-child. to embrace her and love her and to inspire others to do the same. to inspire children to be children. to love them for who they are and to allow them to be their selves. i stand for their safety, i stand for their love, and i stand for innocence.