Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the quest to be healthy

So Oakly and I like a million and a half other people have decided to join the quest to be healthy.  Working out, eating right, and toning our bod's up. Yup. So last night after my lovely session of kick boxing and yoga at the gym. I decided to come home and show off some of my skills that yoga has helped me acquire. I started off by showing how flexible and strong I was getting. I thought it was pretty cool since I am the most UN-FLEXIBLE person in the entire world. Then I started showing Oak how I could do a few groovy yoga moves, the "frog" and the "side-ways star" (well at least  that is what I call them) the head stand and a few others that kick my butt. I thought that it was pretty cool until he then showed me up.......... being married to a man that is good at everything does have its perks, but also pisses me off. He started off by first showing me how great he was at doing the frog, not only that but going from the frog into a head stand. The fricker.

the head stand. try it. you'll love it. 
the frog thing. holddddd ittt. 
the side-ways star.. If you want a rockin bod. do it.

Any way.

This kind of strayed from what I was getting at. I was reading up on a few tips from the Lulu bag that I got, yes Lulu sends you a reusable grocery bag with a bunch of amazing sayings and tips of health just yet, another reason why I am obsessed. It  says  to:

"Sweat once a day to regenerate  your skin." 
"Drink fresh water and as much water as you can. Water flushes unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your brain sharp."  
"A daily hit of athletic-induced  endorphins gives you the power to make better decisions, helps you be at peace with yourself and offsets stress." 

I  have really taken these to heart. I have been drinking so much water I pee every second.  I make sure I do something to sweat everyday which, so you know, very much regenerates the skin and after I exercise I truly feel so much happier (YAY for endorphins!).

Now, its time to watch what I eat. Bah, we have a grocery list of all fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meats. I've been looking up recipes and am feeling super excited about this this quest for the ultimate healthy life-style. 

 Wish me luck! If you have any suggestions I need them so comment!!


  1. Tiana,
    I love your healthful hints.
    I would love to add a wonderful Salmon Recipe
    to your informaiton.

    Sweet and Zensty Salmon

    Heat oven to 450*
    Put tinfoil in a baking dish and then spray with cooking spray (olive oil).
    put Salmon in the dish

    3 tblsp Honey
    3 tblsp Ketchup
    dash of chillie pepper

    put on Salmon and bake uncovered for 20 min.
    Its great with Asparagus and a tasty rice dish.

    one more thing for your readers.
    Coconut oil is the most healthy oil to use.
    Even more healthy than olive oil

  2. Ah, thank you Mom! I love that recipe! I'm super excited to make it. Ps. I will grab some coconut oil next time I go grocery shopping!
