Thursday, February 24, 2011

oh... geeeezzz.

Ef. Today was a day of "I really shouldn't do this, but I will anyway". I work from home. Love it. And well, today was really slow at work, so they offered what is called VTO, (volunteered time off). I sat there for .165843513658 seconds debating with myself if I should do it, because, well Oak and I want the money. So I thought, bah I need to work so I wont do it... Then my fingers started replying back to the e-mail and said that I wanted it. I even said "Stop fingers." They wouldn't. I got it. I'm off work at 10 am. Then right after I got off work I started my daily e-mail, Lulu, Facebook, and finance check online. Lulu did it to me. They had the jacket I've wanted for 41368 million years back in stock. in. my. size. Perfect I thought well while my fingers are being bad my legs and body may as well be too and they stood up and went and got my credit card so that they could purchase this beautiful million dollar jacket. My brain said, "body you shouldn't be doing that" body didn't listen. Did it any way. Have the beautiful jacket on its way. Now to tell Oakly......

Movement Jacket
I heart it so much. I'm happy... 

Now I'm off to clean house, run errands, get my stupid fix it ticket fixed, make a huge amazing dinner so I can break the news to Oakly about the jacket, go fake baking shhhh don't tell lulu (I just started. I was depressed my skin was translucent) and hit the gym.

Oak, if you read this before you get home. Remember, I LOVE YOU.


  1. hahahahahaha. How much money are we talking here T?

  2. Oh dear, the jacket was $98 you can check out their site on I am way to obsessed.
    I only have one of their jackets that Oak got me for Christmas and I wear it every day of my life, worth every single last penny!
